Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Gangsta Gardener


Click the following link to read the most interesting interview of 2016, by far. 

Watch the Video
After reading the GangstaGardener Interview, answer the following questions:

1. Who is Ron Finely?
2. What did Ron Finely do before gardening?
3. Why did he choose that prior career?
4. What happened to his business in 2008?
5. What is the Ron Finley Project?
6. What does 'happenstance' mean?
7. What is Ron Finley's message to those who don't touch soil?
8. What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition?
9. What does Ron Finley mean by, "you can't get no more gangsta than mother nature?"
10. What are 10 year old Indian kids now calling themselves because of Ron Finley?
11. What does Ron Finley mean when he says, "We could change the rotation of this fucking planet?"
12. What does Ron Finley mean by, "I'll help you but I'm not the help?"
13. According to Ron Finley, what does simply putting a box of flowers on the corner do to an entire block?
14. What does 'hokey' mean?


  1. 1. Who is Ron Finely? He is a farmer who live in south LA
    2. What did Ron Finely do before gardening? He was a fashion designer
    3. Why did he choose that prior career? he was a fashion designer because he did not have a good clothes.Also, he wanted to wear what the actor in the movie wear
    4. What happened to his business in 2008? he started gardening in illegal place for garden,so he got a warrant to catch him
    5. What is the Ron Finley Project? he wanted to avoid the poverty and make the people gardening and have work to earn money
    6. What does 'happenstance' mean?Something happen to you but you did not expect it
    7. What is Ron Finley's message to those who don't touch soil?He said "they are a slave"
    8. What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition? He is very basic and his goal is very clear.
    9. What does Ron Finley mean by, "you can't get no more gangsta than mother nature?"
    10. What are 10 year old Indian kids now calling themselves because of Ron Finley?they are calling themselves gangsta gardeners is incredible
    11. What does Ron Finley mean when he says, "We could change the rotation of this fucking planet?"
    12. What does Ron Finley mean by, "I'll help you but I'm not the help?"
    13. According to Ron Finley, what does simply putting a box of flowers on the corner do to an entire block?
    14. What does 'hokey' mean?

    1. 1. Who is Ron Finely? He is a farmer who live in south LA
      2. What did Ron Finely do before gardening? He was a fashion designer
      3. Why did he choose that prior career? he was a fashion designer because he did not have a good clothes.Also, he wanted to wear what the actor in the movie wear
      4. What happened to his business in 2008? he started gardening in illegal place for garden,so he got a warrant to catch him
      5. What is the Ron Finley Project? he wanted to avoid the poverty and make the people gardening and have work to earn money
      6. What does 'happenstance' mean?Something happen to you but you did not expect it
      7. What is Ron Finley's message to those who don't touch soil?He said "they are a slave"
      8. What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition? he put a clear goal for himself and he achieved it.Also he was the last person who invited to the last city
      9. What does Ron Finley mean by, "you can't get no more gangsta than mother nature?"
      10. What are 10 year old Indian kids now calling themselves because of Ron Finley?they are calling themselves gangsta gardeners is incredible
      11. What does Ron Finley mean when he says, "We could change the rotation of this fucking planet?"
      12. What does Ron Finley mean by, "I'll help you but I'm not the help?"
      13. According to Ron Finley, what does simply putting a box of flowers on the corner do to an entire block?
      14. What does 'hokey' mean?

  2. 1. He's a gardener in South Central LA.
    2. He started out a fashion designer.
    3. He wanted to dress like the guys in the movies and so, took classes at LA Trade-Technical College. He started to making clothes for people and created his own clothing line.
    4. His business took a bad hit during the depression that they called a recession.
    5. The Ron Finley Project talk about changing the people's lives with food. First it's about changing people’s perspectives.
    7. "If you don't touch the soil, you are a slave" he said. Because there are people who have the misconception that they grew this food. He's disagree, the soil grew the food and you harvested it.
    8. He was the last person to be invited to the last city, and he was the last person on stage. Then he was one of 33 people out of 400 who went to big TED in Long Beach, CA.
    9. It mean that we are a part of nature. We are organic matter, and we forget.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. Who is Ron Finely?
    A boy who gives the idea of gardening in town to have better and cheaper vegetables. LA Green Grounds is the group.
    2. What did Ron Finely do before gardening?
    He started out as a fashion designer.
    3. Why did he choose that prior career?
    Because it is his art. He says that gardening is his graffity. for him, what you can do with the soil is very wonderful. The beauty of the flowers, the lawns, the trees is very necessary for the education of us and our children because it's the primary thing that we need: the nature.
    4. What happened to his business in 2008?
    his business took a bad hit in 2008 during the depression that they called a recession.
    5. What is the Ron Finley Project?
    He wants plant a whole block of gardens where people can share in th food in the same block. He wants create healthy cafes with shipping containers.
    6. What does 'happenstance' mean?
    We anything happens with hazard.
    8. What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition?
    it changed his life. He had a big ovation.

    1. 9. What does Ron Finley mean by, "you can't get no more gangsta than mother nature?"
      Because the nature is our mother. we are just a part of the nature.
      10. What are 10 year old Indian kids now calling themselves because of Ron Finley?
      they are calling themselves gangsta gardeners.
      11. What does Ron Finley mean when he says, "We could change the rotation of this fucking planet?"
      If we work together with the nature we can do a good world for the future. We decide if our world will be good or not.

  5. 1. Who is Ron Finely? He is a artist,designer and gardener.
    2. What did Ron Finely do before gardening?He was a fashion designer.
    3. Why did he choose that prior career?
    4. What happened to his business in 2008?His business took a bad hit in 2008 during the depression that they called a recession.
    5. What is the Ron Finley Project?The Ron Finley Project is doing is inspiring people to change their lives with food.
    6. What does 'happenstance' mean?
    7. What is Ron Finley's message to those who don't touch soil? His message is that if you don’t touch the soil, you are a slave.
    8. What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition?
    9. What does Ron Finley mean by, "you can't get no more gangsta than mother nature?" It means that we are a part of nature.
    10. What are 10 year old Indian kids now calling themselves because of Ron Finley? They call themselves gangsta gardeners.
    11. What does Ron Finley mean when he says, "We could change the rotation of this fucking planet?"We could change the rotation of this fucking planet.
    12. What does Ron Finley mean by, "I'll help you but I'm not the help?"
    13. According to Ron Finley, what does simply putting a box of flowers on the corner do to an entire block?
    14. What does 'hokey' mean?

  6. 1. Who is Ron Finely?

    he is artist

    2. What did Ron Finely do before gardening?

    he took classes at LA Trade-Technical

    3. Why did he choose that prior career?

    because he wanted to dress like the guys in the movies, the superfly stuffand and his had a pair of pants made once

    4. what happened to his business in 2008?

    he business took a bad hit during the depression

    5. What is the Ron Finley Project?

    he project is he wants to take shipping containers and turn into healthy cafes, he wants help another people
    6. What does 'happenstance' mean?

    7. What is Ron Finley's message to those who don't touch soil?
    he said that the life comes out of this soil

    8. What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition?

    he speaks about his life, that he wants help and the people have better and remember that we are caming of the mother nature

    9. What does Ron Finley mean by, "you can't get no more gangsta than mother nature?"

    he said that we are a part of nature, that we are organic matter and we forget

    10. What are 10 year old Indian kids now calling themselves because of Ron Finley?

    he said that he have 10-year-olds in India calling themselves gangsta gardeners is incredible. Their father sends me pictures of them propagating and tells me they’re recruiting other gangstas

    11. What does Ron Finley mean when he says, "We could change the rotation of this fucking planet?"
    12. What does Ron Finley mean by, "I'll help you but I'm not the help?"
    13. According to Ron Finley, what does simply putting a box of flowers on the corner do to an entire block?
    14. What does 'hokey' mean?

  7. 1. Who is Ron Finely?
    he is a gardener who serves the community by teaching people the power of growing your own food.
    2. What did Ron Finely do before gardening?
    He was a fashion designer
    3. Why did he choose that prior career?
    since young he knew that the fashion was his life, He loved to dress from basketball players to actors.
    4. What happened to his business in 2008?
    His bussines took a bad hit in 2008 during the depression that they called a recession
    5. What is the Ron Finley Project?
    it is a proyect where is doing inspiring people to changue their lives with food and foremost it’s about changing people’s perspectives.
    6. What does 'happenstance' mean?
    circumstance especially that is due to chance

    7. What is Ron Finley's message to those who don't touch soil?
    his message is that if you don’t touch the soil, you are a slave. Why? Because there are people who have the misconception that they grew this food
    8. What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition?
    He was the last person to be invited to the last city, and he was the last person on stage. Then he was one of 33 people out of 400 who went to big TED in Long Beach, CA.
    9. What does Ron Finley mean by, "you can't get no more gangsta than mother nature?"
    We are a part of nature. We are organic matter, and we forget. If we can give kids the message that this is a part of breathing and a part of life, then giving back to the planet becomes magical.”
    10. What are 10 year old Indian kids now calling themselves because of Ron Finley?
    calling themselves gangsta gardeners
    11. What does Ron Finley mean when he says, "We could change the rotation of this fucking planet?"
    he means that he imagine what he could do. If he can do this with nothing, imagine what he could do if he had what he needed to make this grow.
    12. What does Ron Finley mean by, "I'll help you but I'm not the help?"
    his whole message to people who want to help is, “You don’t need me. You need you and you can do this by yourself.
    13. According to Ron Finley, what does simply putting a box of flowers on the corner do to an entire block?
    14. What does 'hokey' mean?

  8. 1. Who is Ron Finely? He is a farmer who live in south LA
    2. What did Ron Finely do before gardening? He was a fashion designer
    3. Why did he choose that prior career? he was a fashion designer because he did not have a good clothes.Also, he wanted to wear what the actor in the movie wear
    4. What happened to his business in 2008? he started gardening in illegal place for garden,so he got a warrant to catch him
    5. What is the Ron Finley Project? he wanted to avoid the poverty and make the people gardening and have work to earn money
    6. What does 'happenstance' mean?Something happen to you but you did not expect it
    7. What is Ron Finley's message to those who don't touch soil?He said "they are a slave"
    8. What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition? he put a clear goal for himself and he achieved it.Also he was the last person who invited to the last city .Also he was the last person on a stage
    9. What does Ron Finley mean by, "you can't get no more gangsta than mother nature?
    " We are a part of nature. We are organic matter, and we forget. If we can give kids the message that this is a part of breathing and a part of life, then giving back to the planet becomes magical.

    10. What are 10 year old Indian kids now calling themselves because of Ron Finley?they are calling themselves gangsta gardeners is incredible
    11. What does Ron Finley mean when he says, "We could change the rotation of this fucking planet?"
    12. What does Ron Finley mean by, "I'll help you but I'm not the help?"he can give you the advice but he can't work instead of you ,so you have to work hard to achive your goal
    13. According to Ron Finley, what does simply putting a box of flowers on the corner do to an entire block? All of a sudden, there’s less trash and litter. It’s amazing.
    14. What does 'hokey' mean?
    you do something as courtesy

  9. 1 - He is a Gardner that want to make progress in South Central LA changing it.

    2 - Fashion designer

    3 - he wanted to make clothes for the people in neighborhood

    4 - took a bad hit in 2008 during the depression that they called a recession

    5 - Change the African American culture

    6 - almost the same that the last one change the people`s culture

    7 - If you don't touch the soil, you're slave why? there are people who have misconception that they grew this food

    8 -What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition?

  10. 1. Who is Ron Finely?
    2. What did Ron Finely do before gardening?
    3. Why did he choose that prior career?
    4. What happened to his business in 2008?
    5. What is the Ron Finley Project?
    6. What does 'happenstance' mean?
    7. What is Ron Finley's message to those who don't touch soil?
    8. What was unique about Ron Finley's Ted Talk audition?
    9. What does Ron Finley mean by, "you can't get no more gangsta than mother nature?"
    10. What are 10 year old Indian kids now calling themselves because of Ron Finley?
